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  • Some Gathered Quotes Tommie's blog

    Here are some of the quotes I’ve collected over time.

    About success

    In clear water, you catch no fish.

    ‒ The China Hustle

    Aim to be a man of value not a man of success.

    ‒ Marcus Aurelius

    Today’s oak is just yesterday’s chestnut that held its ground.

    Mad Fientist blog

    Wolves don’t kill the unlucky deer, they kill the weak ones.

    ‒ Wind River

    I love how that one subtly encapsulates the correlation/causality duality.

    You’re not saving my life, Judy, you’re saving my body, and you’re saving my body by destroying my life’s work.

    ‒ Ted in Manhunt: Unabomber

    Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, but certainty is an absurd one.

    ‒ Voltaire

    On finance

    We have been in a bull market for almost 200 years. We just have disruptions and corrections.

    ‒ from Reddit

    Corporations are not people. Judge them by their actions, in the end, what matters is what happened, not intent. Almost every public institution’s actions are always ascribed by some as driven by money or power, or others by high minded values. The employees at a company can have high minded values. Even the company culture can have high minded values. But in the end, financial decisions made by companies are amoral, and what matters is, what the decisions actually were, not whether the executives were pressured into it, because ultimately, there is pressure on all sides from all stakeholders.

    ‒ from Hacker News

    Ultimately the root of any conspiracy theory is a strong desire to believe that someone, somewhere, is competent at what they’re doing.

    ‒ Amy Dentata