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  • Life Provides an Empty Meaning Container Tommie's blog

    Einzelgänger made a recent video about the meaning of life, through the hands of various philosophers. It starts at Nietzsche and ends with Camus. Sartre and Frankl are in the middle.

    Much of the video is spent on saying that because life has no obvious purpose, i.e. a purpose we all agree on, the focus must be the individual search. I think this misses a large point: the fact that humans are able to find meaning, is amazing. A pebble being thrown, probably doesn’t care if it bounces off the surface of water or not. The person throwing the pebble, however, is able to care so much, they will spend energy to try again if it doesn’t.

    The commonality between humans is that life provides a container for meaning, and an ability to fill it. What is not provided is the actual meaning contained therein, because it is individual. This individuality is probably a great strength, as it means we can specialize and complement each other, rather than just competing.