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  • Things I Feel Bad About Tommie's blog

    Sometimes, I’m overwhelmed by how much crap is going on:

    You know, nature doesn’t care if ecosystems live or die. Earth will continue to exist. It doesn’t care if there are a few million years of high temperatures before an ice age and a new stage of evolution sets in. It doesn’t even care about mutual assured destruction. There’s really nothing obvious about caring about climate change. The meteorite that killed the dinosaurs probably didn’t feel bad about its actions. The errupting volcano that covered the sky with soot probably didn’t worry about the effects. The curse is that we humans can measure and reason, and feel bad about our (in)actions. And not just our own, but actions from previous generations.

    Yeah, I can rationalize my actions either way. Eventually, it will be absorbed by the sun anyway. What does it really mean to live life the best way I can?