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  • Reverse Engineering the Galaxy Buds Pro Configuration Protocol Tommie's blog

    I purchased a pair of Galaxy Buds Pro last week, and I’m met with some truly horrible distortions listening to speech in a YouTube video. I assumed it was the noise cancelation, so I just wanted to turn that off. Since the Bose headphones not-broken-noise-cancelation firmware update, and some reviews of a buggy Android app, I wasn’t too keen on installing the Samsung app, and let it do a firmware upgrade. Instead, I downloaded the APK and reverse engineered it to build the tommie/pygalaxybuds Python library to interact with the earbuds. It only supports Linux, since it uses PyBluez.

    Now I could disable noise cancelation using

    $ galaxybudsctl --address 01:23:45:67:89:ab --set-noise-cancelation off
    Upated noise cancelation mode.

    Well worth the Sunday it took to figure out the protocol, and the two days after to create and package the library? Inspired by Carl’s Do things, tell people post, I should become better at telling people about things I’ve done!

    The following text is a summary of what I learned from this project.

    What are the Galaxy Buds Pro?

    The Pros are the second latest generation of Galaxy Buds, and seemed like the right choice for me. Buds 2 are newer, but from reviews, it seemed Buds Pro were a better deal. I’m guessing the protocols are very similar, since they were launched the same year.

    Playing with Ghidra

    I took this opportunity to see if Ghidra could reverse engineer APKs. Last time I needed disassembly (a few years ago) of an Android app, I had to use multiple tools, and the unmaintained jd-gui. I didn’t want to go through that again. That said, I haven’t done much reverse engineering since Ghidra was released, so this was pretty much the first time I used it for real.

    On first glance, Ghidra doesn’t seem to handle Android apps very well. Sure, it can disassemble and decompile, but it doesn’t reassemble class definitions and source files. I couldn’t even find a simple way to show what fields are in a class. That’s weird.

    I’m guessing the app is written in Kotlin as it includes a separate DEX file with some standard library. And the decompiled code looks wonky. Perhaps one of the optional Ghidra analyzers can fix the lack of recognizing goto optimizations in if-else blocks… But it sure led to some ugly Java code with the default settings. Since I was looking at the protocol parser, a massive switch statement became nested ifs and gotos.

    My overall feeling in Ghidra (compared to IDAPro and jd-gui) is “I’m lost.” But, alas, I managed to find the information I needed.

    How does the protocol work?

    The main class is com.samsung.accessory.hearablemgr.core.service.CoreService. It drives many of the subsystems, including the SPP/RFCOMM Bluetooth connection. They use an “insecure RFCOMM” socket for communication. The protocol runs on top of RFCOMM with a simple framing, CRC and message type. There are no request-response identifiers, so one should be careful not to run multiple operations simultaneously.

    The basic frame consists of

    The parser skips over any data where the SOF, length and EOF don’t match up. It seems like a good, resilient, frame parser.

    Message types seem to be fairly ad-hoc, and there are multiple styles and revisions to them. The ExtendedStatusUpdated message is probably the most complex. It starts with a revision byte, which dictates the syntax of the rest of the message. They seem to have shoveled things around over the revisions (my earbuds send revision 9,) and some fields move depending on revision. This means you have to look fairly carefully at the code that creates messages, and the code that extracts fields from messages to understand how they are actually used. There isn’t a nice facade that switches from low-level to high-level representation for use in the UI.

    When the buds are in the case and the lid is closed, the Bluetooth connection is reset. Conclusion: don’t leave the lid open, or buds out, if you want to preserve battery.

    Experimenting with Web Bluetooth

    My first idea was to use Web Bluetooth API to create a self-contained HTML page to configure the earbuds. Sadly, it turns out RFCOMM is out of scope. Too bad. Oh, well. I guess now I know how that API works, the next time I have a GATT-compliant device to play with.

    It would have been so nice to replace the app with a single HTML file, though.

    Packaging the Python library

    There was a recent post by Drew DeVault about Python: Please stop screwing over Linux distros that suggested packaging for Python is as horrible as ever. However, after reading Packaging Python Projects, it seems there’s a clear official way of packaging nowadays. So that’s nice. That said, I wanted to spend as little time on this as possible. It’s quite possible no one will use this code anyway.

    The only thing I didn’t figure out is how to nicely run a console_script from a source repositry. Since the new directory structure places all Python code in /src/, I can’t simply place a Python file in / and import by package. I need to either add src to PYTHONPATH, or need to pretend that src is a namespace package. Same thing if I tried to run a module using python -m. It would be nice if the build or setuptools modules had a way to run it, like npm and clones allows you to run scripts with npm run.

    Coredumps from ears

    I find it fascinating that there’s protocol support for retrieving coredumps. There’s enough code in my earbuds that they need coredumps to debug them. Amazing how many transistors are everywhere nowadays.